Ed Quigley
I did my PhD in the Computer Graphics lab at Stanford University, where I was advised by Prof. Ron Fedkiw and was fortunate to be supported by an NDSEG fellowship. I'm interested in physically based simulation, computer vision, and machine learning for visual effects and real-time graphics applications. I did my undergrad at Grove City College, where I studied computer science and some literature.
Ray Tracing Visualization Toolkit
i3D 2012
An extensible system that supports the visualization of data and data structures related to ray tracing.
[paper] [project site]
Sketch-Based Object Recognition
In cs231a, we implemented a system to classify user sketches over a set of 250 categories.
Squared is an iPad game developed at Grove City. Choose from a variety of control styles and see how long you can survive! It's free, so why not give it a try?